Apologies. SWoodhm has once again forced my hand. I am in objection to being positioned such way to elicit a response from an ex-colleague.
This statement is to raise awareness of not becoming caught up in other peoples drama.
I have absolutely no intention of this situation escalating further.
This statement is to raise awareness of not becoming caught up in other peoples drama.
Contrary to the notecard sent by SWoodham 2024-11-09 17:23:26
In which she makes allegations (written form, 'libel') about myself and my political stance, which does accurately describe my opinions and political stance. It is technically incorrect, a matter she has previously failed to discuss objectively, she has expressed due to her hyped up state regarding the American election last week.
SWoodham's use of the SL Writers Group to send that NC is considerable as targeted harassment, in breach of multinational legislation including SL Terms and Conditions, which is detrimental to the Project, to myself and to SWoodham herself.
For her ongoing public provocation SWoodham has now regrettably been banned from the group and from the SL Writers project. Her statement about my intention is not my position and neither does her statement represent in any way at all my own words or opinions on the matter. This situation is very sad. Please regard this as symptomatic of a mental health breakdown on Sylvia's part which I have previously been reticent to discuss in public, for respect for her.
I intend to continue maintaining a level of professionalism despite the behavior of one ex-member of staff who is going through difficult times and is continuing to target both myself personally and the project and by consequence all of the writers who are involved in the collaboration.
With regard to and in answer of her allegations;
When I first approached the SL Writers community with offer and suggestion to start this collection, along with funding it throughout, with intention any profits be fed back into the writers community of SL and to marketing the project, I did not want to censor anything beyond that necessary Amazon Kindle's terms & conditions for the target market for this product. This is documented in the original Project Proposal notecard, June24>
SL Writers OFFICIAL response to allegations, with apology
Recently I implemented a "One Rule For All" policy following SWoodhams decision to censor some of the stories which did not fall in line with a Female Supremacy agenda as perceived by SWoodham. Her activity in this regard did not immediately come to my attention. I explained to SWoodham the problem that if we apply the restriction of not publishing 'potentially offensive material' to writers selectively, it is amoral. To maintain 'one rule for all' would mean that we would have to also reject other writers whose works are 'potentially offensive' to different demographics. I suggested as a resolution to this that we can develop and expand the SL Writers Project to direct those writers whose works might be deemed potentially offensive, into other publishing projects, for the adult market outside of SL. This is documented in my previous notecard, Project Update Nov2024.
SL Writers Project Update Nov24
SWoodham's decision to sabotage the SL Writers collaborative project as much as she can by persuading writers who have kindly donated to it already and any others who might in future, to boycott myself and the project; this is about her, not about myself and not about the project. Several have already pulled out due to her backstage take-over campaign.
It appears she is manipulating this project to gain herself some sort of leverage, by lying about me. I understand this in terms of SWoodham exhibiting classical symptoms of Bipolar / Borderline Personality Disorder. As a professionally qualified counselor with 30+ years of experience I am qualified to make that assessment. It is my request to the public that SWoodham's notecard be interpreted as a cry for help rather than as an offensive statement intended to cause harm to others, albeit that it is an offensive statement intended to cause harm to others.
Please, in your assessment of this, recognize all of the hostility and manipulations are coming FROM SWoodham, leveled personally against myself, and not the other way around. Her goal is quite simple, as she has stated in her notecard; hostile take-over from within of the SL Writers project. It is Machiavellian misconduct.
For clarification : SWoodham HAS BEEN SACKED from SL Writers for her refusal to work with me and lying about what I have said and my stance on the stories which I have already accepted as valid to be published by the SL Writers collaborations.
SWoodham is apparently reacting with overt aggression with manipulation, engaging the writers into an 'us verses them' power struggle, which I for one certainly have zero interest of being caught up in. My intention is to publish publishable stories. SWoodham is virtue signaling and is throwing me under the wheels of her own runaway train by lying about me. I do not understand why a respectable person would do that other than it being symptomatic of mental-emotional breakdown.
It is tragic that things have come to this.
All I can do is apologize to you all for the time wasted in your being caught up in SWoodham's drama.
It has come as a shock to us all.
SnakeAppleTree 2024.11.9