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SL Writers Update Nov24

SL Writers Short Story collaborative publication project 

2024 Autumnal Review


Saturday Writers Workshop sessions  1pm slt 

will continue every week in the office on Book Island. 


In addition to this, due to suggestion and request, 

forthcoming workshops in specialist topics, developmental writing skills 

and directly related to the SL Writers project, 

will be held both at the office and at Milk Wood in affiliation with Moxie Writers.

These will extend beyond November. 


Despite months of scouting, training, editing and workshops, 

we currently have insufficient number of short stories to fill a worthy book. 


This Project Update is a big request to everybody involved,

to advertise our need for more short stories from SL writers. 

This is your chance, do not miss out on a golden opportunity! 

Please if you can put the poster up wherever you can: 


Also please distribute the notecard you are reading to everyone you can think of!  



How To Get Involved: 

-Share this notecard with your friends

-Display the poster 

-Send a Notecard containing your short story to:    

snakeappletree (resident) 

Please name the notecard:  

'Your Story Title - by Your Name'  

so I can find it easily in my inventory. 


For the above reasons the Project Deadline has been extended 

until such time we have sufficient work to fill a book.  


So far, nobody has provided one. 

Please get these to us ASAP! 

A writers biography is a place to write about yourself as a writer. 

It should ideally be between 200-500 words.

Include links to your websites and bookstores if you have them. 



This collection is specifically for short stories. 

A lot of people have asked if we are publishing poetry. 

The situation has been given consideration for expansion in future 

to publish a collaborative SL Poets poetry book. 

This will be in 2025.


The SL Writers project intends to publish content which is 

1 publishable 2 non-sexual 

to get it through Amazon Kindle's requirements for the target market. 

Some of the stories sent in contain "potentially offensive content" 

more suitable for a different project. 

Rather than to reject anyone's work on this basis, 

the situation has been given consideration for expansion in future 

into more appropriate alternative market outside of SL related projects. 

This will be in 2025. 

Adult, Horror, Alternate Culture, No Children, No Animals

The stipulation is it is well written. 

Sad Farewell: 

Sly ak s.woodham has been wonderful in her organizing the project launch. 

Unfortunately due to rl pressures on her time she will no longer be as supportive of the project. 

The position of 'project management team' is and always has been open 

to anyone willing to work to the same ethos as the project requirement. 

Queries: snakeappletree (resident)