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SLWriters: Allegations Response

2024.11.19 An Official Statement from SL Writers collaborative publications project regarding SWoodham's allegations, here

SWoodham has written her blog After The Event of her being released from the project for her decision to choose a path of malice toward it. 

1 “but suddenly there was a suggestion to remove some of our existing stories.” 

The only story censored was one SWoodham objected to on the basis it contained the word ‘Sasquatch’ along with a list of similar entities. Direct quote from original draft:  “Yeti? Abominable snowmen? Sasquatch? Bigfoot? Just words for that, which they do not understand.’” SWoodham’s virtue-signalling rejected the writer from the project so she could blog about protecting indigenous rights. 

2 "writers don't write to make money,"

Nobody said that other than SWoodham. A private message regarding the project suggested it is more important at this stage that writers develop their writing ability with the intention to publish quality,  than to set out with the intention of writing simply for commerce without developing skills. This observation results in better work, more respected and acceptable to publishing houses. SWoodham has taken this out of context, again has used it as leverage. 

3 “Pay writers for contributions, pay a cover artist, create a theme and a deadline.” 

The SL Writers project has since its inception agreed to pay contributors a % of any money it makes. An understanding that we do not guarantee it will make any money at all because that significantly has to do with advertising. All of the projects banking will be made available for view to those involved. SWoodham was not let into the know on the projects marketing strategy although she was in agreement with where any proceeds should be directed. Training workshops for the projects contributors are already being held on a weekly basis regarding such matters as successful advertising strategies within the publishing industry. SWoodham has not been attending them. 

It came as a surprise when SWoodham began insinuating the project was being mishandled for reasons which she has invented. The project deadline has been pushed back as a direct result of SWoodham encouraging its contributors to pull their stories from it for allegations which she has made up in attempt to discredit it. 

This post is a follow-on from previous update, here