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SL Writers by SWoodham

In response to the   SL Writers Project Update Nov24,

SWoodham (Sly)  sent this note out through the group: 

Future of Your Stories

Following concerns raised about Snakeappletree’s recent notice, I want to provide clarity on the direction of our project and why we’re at a crossroads.

As it stands, we are short on stories for a complete collection. However, I strongly oppose Snakeappletree’s recent decision to reclassify certain stories as "countercultural" simply because they address current cultural events. It’s become clear that this decision may have been influenced by personal discomfort with certain themes, like the story addressing abortion and religion, which was targeted for removal.

Many of you found Snakeappletree’s tone unwelcoming, and several writers now worry that their work might be deemed “offensive” due to recent goal-post shifting that could affect valuable contributions. I have been committed to upholding the diversity of perspectives that make this collection so powerful and representative of the SL creative community. However, I do not support decisions made unilaterally or in a way that deviates from the guidelines we initially set for this collaborative project.

Moving forward, I intend to offer an option that respects the original guidelines and spirit of the project, without unilateral decisions or a tone that discourages participation. To ensure this, I am currently seeking a new partner who shares our values of collaboration and inclusion and can bring a steady hand to our creative process.

Thank you all for your dedication and contributions.