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I have been visiting Sandbox Wanderton to upload architectural mesh. 

Some of it is available in my marketplace store

Also the birth of a new character as I need a break from Sable and Old Sable who are well defined and want to use SL for different purposes than Sables path. 

خنجر  shafra

خنجر  shafra  (blade), full name:  شفرة القمر  shafrat alqamar  (moon blade),  is a kajira assassin-dancer in training. A dancer / assassin of Gor. She’s not actively roleplaying yet because I haven’t had time as my focus has been on building. 

The main reason I have a female avi is because I have her on my screen almost constantly and it’s more attractive to look at than a male figure, in my heteronormative male mindset. 

It’s not anything to do with SL providing opportunity to masquerade as a female to trick anyone or as some sort of cybertransexualism. It’s more basic than that. If I do ever heavily get into SL’s Gorean culture I will probably do so as a male character. 

Although I have no idea the female-to-male ratio of Gor players I have been told it’s fairly much equal because Earth women apparently like to play in that universe too, with its ways of alternate morality and philosophy which enable men and women to be true and open to their nature without repression or wearing a mask of conformity to a delusional culture. Where men are more manly, respected as warriors and craftsmen. Where women are more womanly, respected as feminine and openly sexual. 

But like I said mostly I have been uploading mesh architecture for my marketplace store

Concrete Bunker Building series:
shamelessly inspired by Old Town Araxes (Al Raqis Sim) architecture 

Cement Tunnels (Straight, T-Junction, Crossroads, Dead End & Gate sections)

Shafra's Desert Tent

Simple Pier