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[script] floor/wall on touch


This script is for a prim measuring 2m x 2m x4m (length width and height respectively). 

It changes between a floor or a wall when touched. 

The concept is for a grid of these prims, at least 25 (5 rows of 5) to build a labyrinth game. 


float HEIGHT_SMALL = 0.1;

float HEIGHT_LARGE = 4.0;

vector SIZE = <2.0, 2.0, 0.0>;  // X and Y are fixed, Z will change

vector POSITION_SMALL = <0.0, 0.0, 0.05>;  // Offset for 0.1m size

vector POSITION_LARGE = <0.0, 0.0, 2.0>;   // Offset for 4m size



    touch_start(integer total_number)


        vector basePos = llGetPos();  // Establish base position at every click

        vector currentSize = llGetScale();

        vector newSize;

        vector newPosition;

        if (currentSize.z == HEIGHT_LARGE)


            newSize = <SIZE.x, SIZE.y, HEIGHT_SMALL>;

            newPosition = basePos + POSITION_SMALL - POSITION_LARGE;  // Adjust relative to current position




            newSize = <SIZE.x, SIZE.y, HEIGHT_LARGE>;

            newPosition = basePos + POSITION_LARGE - POSITION_SMALL;  // Adjust relative to current position




