Friday 28 June 2024

[NP] Network&Promote

This is what it takes. 

This ain't all of it, either. 

I went back in for another half hour under a different search category... 

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[20:18] jmanque: Hi, Joe. It looks like you're ready for the party.

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[2024/06/27 21:11] snakeappletree: hi, sorry i only just saw your message

[2024/06/27 21:11] snakeappletree: getting there

[2024/06/27 21:11] snakeappletree: autistic hyperfocus

[2024/06/27 21:11] snakeappletree: two hours of sending out party invites to everyone listed in sl classified as a writer

Monday 24 June 2024

AI art UK Law

AI & ART - Copyright Law UK Jan 2024 

“Section 178 of the UK Copyright Designs and Patents Act (CDPA 1988) enables copyright protection in works generated by a computer in circumstances when there is no human author of the work.” 

“…exhibit the same skill labour and judgment required to meet the threshold of originality required for copyright to apply in traditional works. It is therefore uncertain whether arrangements such as prompts need to be sufficiently original, exhibiting enough “free and creative choices” for a human to meet the originality requirement for copyright…”

The AI will not let me use the word ‘erotic’ so I made a conscious choice to use an alternative. I instead use the word ‘sleazy’ which is textural as it also includes a level of degeneracy and grime which can be differentiated visually from the word ‘erotic’, where such textures are not identified specifically. 'Sleazy' is a different prompt, arguably generating quite different images, than 'grimy, degenerate, erotic'. This is a custom genre or sub-genre of the general theme. 

Therefore the concept of "judgement required to meet the threshold of originality" and "sufficiently original" and "exhibiting free and creative choices", is relevant and applies to my work. It is creative because I had to discover a work-around solution to the problem of inhibition. It is free both because it exists outside that limiting inhibition and because a human decision maker with free will consciously decided with a human decision making process requiring free will to overcome an inhibiting restriction. 

“Artists who are passionate about the potential of AI technology have argued that the directive and curatorial instructions they use to guide AI tools requires skilled labour and judgment that is worthy of recognition and protection. Innovation-focused policy makers may view the ability to own and license AI-assisted creations as favourable to economic growth. What is urgently needed is evidence on the likely impacts of AI generated work – whether copyright protected or not – on the lives and livelihoods of creators.”

I am passionate about all forms of art. I do include AI generated images within this. I am a multimedia artist with an honours degree in the Fine Arts with decades of training and experience, ergo I have sufficient expertise to have valid opinion on the matter. I will be the first to tell you my opinion as to what constitutes art is equally as valid as the next persons because art is subjective. "Beauty is the in the eye of the beholder." Which in Art School philosophy mis interpreted that it is the gaze assessing the thing where the beauty lays, it is a perception. John Berger and many other philosophers teach about this in words.  

"Directive and curative instructions" used "to guide AI tools" do not materialise out of nowhere. A Human decision maker is involved, requiring a process of thought and decision making. 

How has using AI generated art in combination with prompts and a source-texture affected my ability to create visual images and develop as an artist and as a writer? Exponentially. Are the images comparable to traditional art techniques, ie; drawing and painting? Yes they are comparable, with pro's and con's, the same way that other technology focussed forms of print-based art, ie; photography and print-making is comparable, with pro's and cons.  

I will write more about this specifically. 




s a k u r a i

Friday 21 June 2024


 C O N F O R M I T Y

samurai brush 1

samurai brush 2

the fracture


palimpsest #1#2#3

black tower block

old map of the world

kids game

game board 1

game board 2

game board 3

dolphin brain

red knight in play

glimmer scorch 1 - tight

glimmer scorch 2 - side centre

glimmer scorch 3 - loose

glimmer scorch 4 - Walpurgisnacht

already reprocessed

young vs old

cute little number 1

cute little number 2


Thursday 20 June 2024

SL is Social Media

SecondLife is about Community. 

It’s about the people. 

That’s what makes it the special place it is. 

“I don't think sl is only a game, 

you laugh, you talk or you meet with only beautiful people all around the world, 

sometimes sl can be bad and make your heart crying. 

At this moment you feel it's time to leave.” 


VR is Social Media 

We describe Fakebook Instagram TikTok Twitter as social media platforms. The word platform is relevant to use here. The interaction the interface with these platforms is scrolling. We have a phrase, ‘Doomscrolling’, for people who become mindlessly addicted to enacting that ritualistic behaviour. The word scrolling is relevant here.

All of those platforms are two dimensional. Describing them as two dimensional platform scrolling is relevant. The only thing we describe as two dimensional platform scroll is a specific sort of video game.

In video games we have a thing called the ‘multimedia online role-playing game’. These are games where multiple human users can interact inside the same game environment both in real-time and by use of leaving messages as a bulletin board. 

It is legitimate therefore to describe social media as a 2D platform scrolling MMORPG. That people do it for entertainment tags ‘game’ onto that description. 

It is critical to understand this, that ‘game’ is added because people use it for entertainment.

How many people describe their social media interaction as playing a video game? 

People who use it for many purposes including business and education and primarily for socialising reject that as an inaccurate description. That it is a multimedia environment involves awareness of how it can be simultaneously used for multiple purposes. 

The next point of awareness is about VR virtual reality environments. 

I’m not referring to the headset interface, which is not a virtual reality. It is an interface, a hardware tool in the same way that your game controller is not the environment, it is the interface. The car keys are not the vehicle is not the road. 

The virtual reality is the digital environment you experience. It is a platform. 

It is not scrolling, because it is 3D. In the case of SecondLife and similar platforms, it is multiple human users. 

Therefore by the same rationale we reject using ‘game’ as an accurate descriptor for 2D social media platforms, logically we should assign the same standard to 3D social media platforms. To fail to do so is a cognitive bias resultant in a form of prejudice. 

SecondLife and other 3D social media platforms are no more games than are the 2D social media platforms, Fakebook Instagram TikTok Twitter and their ilk. 

People do use them to play games within that environment the way people may enjoy Chess or Royal Ur in the real life environment without referring to all of real life as a game. I’m sure you have heard people explain it that way too. 

Next up is game theory. Wherever you get people you get social games subject to game theory. It is inevitable in most social interactions. We see it repeatedly highlighted as a key characteristic feature both of real life and cross-platform internet culture. 

The go-to resource on Game Theory is in my professional opinion Dr Eric Berne in his wonderful book on Transactional Analysis called The Games People Play. It concludes with a studied observation that “successful people don’t play games”. 

V on the topic of


V: “There is an artist who has an amazing digital exhibition here in sl somewhere. His work is amazing.”

snakeappletree: “I'm interested, I would like to see the exhibition.”

V: “And he became so well known but with his SL name. It is so wrong that SL started as a game for people who wanted to hide in here. It is so confusing for RL artists”

snakeappletree: “Do you believe SL is a game, or more than a game?”

V: “I think SL is a digital space. Like FB but 3D.”

snakeappletree: “Yes!”

V: “And far more complicated, like in FB.”

snakeappletree: “I describe it as VR social media.”

V: “Someone might have a fake account here as well. He might become someone else and live a second life. It started with the title second life.”

snakeappletree: “In SL they are called alt accounts, it is a part of the culture here. In FB they hate it.”

V: “Yes. In here people think it is normal to write in their rl info 'please respect me no more info here'.”

snakeappletree: “We have more freedom here (in SL). Such place is necessary.”

V: “So I think it is both a game and a social media platform. To me it is a little confusing. I'm not very interested in the game aspect of SL. :) I prefer to know who I am talking to.”

snakeappletree: “It is a versatile place, with many uses.”

V: “If someone becomes a permanent person in my SL life I want to know them in reality too. So I do that.”

snakeappletree: “That makes sense. For some people it is like this. For others perhaps better to remain anonymous.”

V: “But there are also people who are very secretive. I met a person like that.”

snakeappletree: “My tag snakeappletree is my internet identity, I use it all over the internet.”

V: “I wanted to cooperate with him on a project here or even to hire him in RL because he is excellent at something I need.”

snakeappletree: “Yes.”

V: “But I can only find him in here. So this makes its difficult."

snakeappletree: “You will have to ask him in here.”

V: “I asked him but if I have to enter here to see if he is inworld it makes it impossible for me to plan something.”

snakeappletree: “Was he happy to help? To get to know you outside of SL ?”

V: “No. He wants to keep anonymity.”

The Cyclical Argument Of Real Life Gamers 

Following, is the same conversation I have had with a lot of people IRL (‘in real life’) who don’t do SL but know I am into it. 

Bias: “Isn’t it a game, though?” Perhaps authentic misperception. 

Me: "No it’s not a game. SL is a VR social media platform.” In defence of my experiences of SL.

Bias: “No but it’s a game.” Voice of oppositional defiancy disorder. 

Me: “How would you know if you haven’t explored it?” Voice of applied logic. 

Bias: “It’s a game.” Cyclical argument ad infinitum.

 ‘No but’ means ‘I’m an argumentative fool trying to play a power game with you.’ 

Ain’t got time for that.