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Sable Returns


The Fable of Sable

Deep Desertborn of Al Raqis, 

Sable the snake-huntress

studied negotiation and diplomacy

at the Araxes Senate,

trained with the Enclave Companions 

and enrolled briefly with 

the Planetary Protection Force 

which gave her first insight offworld. 

But the Desert kept calling out to her soul. 

Sable took her diplomacy, 

military & companion skills 

to deter desert smugglers 

with whom she intermitently 

traded, shared camp and hunted. 

Sable completed her coming-of-age Pilgrimage 

shortly before the Great Quake. 

Taking it as an omen 

she moved to Old Town 

where she helped with the restoration, 

opened an ethnic art shop.

A travelling StarBorn wooed from Sable 

the story of her life 

'exploring the desert on a hoverbike'

and turned it into an amazing videogame. 

Sable fell in love with a hansum smuggler

who promised her the stars,

only to abandon her in a forgotten outpost.


Sable survived by hunting

 reptilian-rat-things and ate moss-vines,

until another StarBorn called Dive,

named after her pilot skills

accidentally rescued her,

took her on as co-pilot

of her ship, the Re. 

The pair travelled as merchants

trading comics and art,

but usually lost in the slipstream. 

All the while Sable followed any rumours about Araxes, 

hoping someday to return to her beloved lost desert. 

She heard it had been destroyed and despaired deeply. 

One day they discovered a map

to a treasure beyond imagnation;

a time-crystal reputed to bring longevity. 

They did eventually discover it

but it was not how they imagined.

Instead of bringing longevity, 

the time-crystal instead causes 

non-linear consciousness 

along an individuals timeline. 

This results in further complications 

regarding cause&effect, free will and the multiverse.

Years passed, seemingly timelessly 

but also with time-glitches, 

until one day while Sable was out shopping, 

Dive and the Re simply disappeared

either by accident, foul play, 

or by Dive or the Re's erratic nature.  

Then, when she was at her lowest,

Sable discovered Al Raqis had not been destroyed, 

at least not on this timeline.

Now, Sable is old, her skin wrinkled with experiences 

and by the light of distant stars whose gravities warp time 

despite the time-crystal. 

Sable decided to retire to a gentle place of healing,

to paint and to write 

from her memories and imagination.