For The Burning


For The Burning is a major retrospective of SnakeAppleTrees SketchBooks between 1996 and 2009, containing various short, related series of doodles and scribbles. This exhibition was inspired by discovering a box of his old sketchbooks while packing up to move to a new house. 

The medium is pencil, fine-liner, pen&ink wash, and a small number of multimedia using digital colour from first edition photoshop. SnakeAppleTree was in art school when that was released, horrified to see traditional painting studios replaced by a computer suite. 

The SkyGallery design features whitewashed bricks and wooden floorboards reminiscent of so many art galleries and studios SnakeAppleTrees grew up in and around. 

The exhibition gets its name from the idea of burning all these notes from the past in a pagan ritual ceremony, to free up the energy for the future. A fresh start which seems fitting as we go into 2025.

An exhibition catalogue is available inworld and from the marketplace store. 

The exhibition themes include; 

Orbs, Landscapes and Seascapes, Towns and Cities of South Wales, Camping trip in the WildWood of Wales, Abstract Urban Textures, Abstract Fluro Patterns, Cyberpunks and Creeps, Portraits & Cartoons, Digital Augmented Design, Miscellaneous. 

SkyGallery also has exhibitions of mesh and textured prim sculpture in its sculpture yard and an exhibition of more recent (2025) AI generated art using prompts and source images. 

SkyGallery is located at Love Beach.